This APIs that have been provided in MyGDX. Restricted APIs are not displayed. If the data you want is not in this catalog, the API can be developed after approval from the Provider Agency.
The purpose of this service is to provide the status of student registration assistance applications to IPTA.
Menyenaraikan Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri
The purpose of this service is to provide information on the API subscriptions available on the MyGDX portal.
The purpose of this service is to provide API transaction information for provider agencies
The purpose of this service is to provide information on the profile of input and output parameters for APIs available on the MyGDX portal.
The purpose of this service is to provide API transaction information for user agencies
The purpose of this service is to provide a list of APIs based on the agencies available on the MyGDX portal.
API Information for civil servant profiles for the purpose of registration in the MYGOVBC System
Provide Profile Information of Civil Servant and Organizational Unit
Information Set of Five Year Malaysian Plan Project Activities
Maklumat Projek Rancangan Malaysia
Organizational Unit (based on the HRMIS organizational unit change date)
The Government Agency Code is based on the agency code of the Organization Development Division, JPA. Also included are the old DDSA Agency Codes and action codes to facilitate the update of code matching. Several agencies have been updated in line with changes. The codes are updated as of October 17, 2024
API information for civil servants verification and profile
This service is to get aid recipient information
This API is intended to verify whether individuals are active members of the society
Preparation of reporting and dashboard analysis of civil servant status information for use by the Prime Minister's Office
Societies Committee List
Leave and out of office information for the purpose of display and analysis in the Attendance System of Government Agencies that use the HRMIS Leave and Out Of Office Module in batch or individually
Confirmation of Disability Status via Identity Card No
Enquiry of Current Vehicle Registration Number
Semakan Mata Demerit
Enquiry of Blacklist Status
Enquiry of LMM Information
Enquiry of Vehicle List
Enquiry of Driving Test Result Information
Enquiry of LKM Information
Enquiry of Summons JPJ
API information for officers under agency Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang for the SSO system.
This service is to check the victims involved in the disaster
This service is to get information on the Temporary Transfer Center (PPS) and the capacity of the PPS
MyGovEvent Program Attendance List registered by the event manager.
Information of registration coop
information each of ALK
List of MyGovEvent Programs registered by event managers.
Details for a MyGovEvent events
Displays a list of the latest MyGovEvent programs
Displays the full list of events on MyGovEvent
API information for civil servant profiles for the PRIMMS administrator and project liasion officer.
Mengandungi maklumat berkenaan institusi
Blood Type Code based on DDSA code
Societies & Branch Info registered under Registrar Of Societies
JUPEM panggil servis untuk penghantaran zip fail pelan B1, PA(B) dan B4 yang telah selesai
Status Sedia Pelan
API information for civil servant profiles for the purpose of registration in the Kementerian Kerja Raya MyINFRA System
Service to obtain the list of risk assessments available in MyGPKI
Service to get a list of accesses available at MyGPKI
Service for getting Societies & Associations Info
Search for information regarding TVET institutions
Verification of individual records of active Malaysian citizens and permanent residents
Verification of individual records with data of active Malaysian citizens and permanent residents
Service to obtain the Officer Id found in MyGPKI
Civil Servant Verification Information (based on Competency Owner's KP No.)
Organizational Unit Information (based on the HRMIS organizational unit change date)
Government officer information from HRMIS data
Service to check the certificate applicant's information whether the applicant has a certificate or does not have a certificate at GPKI.
If the applicant's information already exists in MyGPKI, there is some information that needs to be updated and added to in the MyGPKI system.
Check application status at GPKI.
Check user status whether the user is registered in the MyGPKI system or not registered in the MyGPKI system.
Check SSL Application Status
Service to get a list of media types available in MyGPKI
Service to get a list of positions available on MyGPKI
Service to get a list of platforms available on MyGPKI
Service to get a list of server criteria available in MyGPKI
Service to get the list of states available in MyGPKI
Service for server digital certificate application (SSL)
Service for upload documents to the MyGPKI System
Service to make an application for a GPKI certificate if the applicant does not have a certificate.
Service to get a list of agencies available in MyGPKI
Service to get a list of ICT systems available at MyGPKI.
Service for checking AP/SA/SAP information in GPKI system
Download Geometry Object
Update Final Title Status
Upadate Warta Public Address and Date
Update Warta Public Address and Date
Download CPSP
Dokument Upload
Document Upload
Update Approve PBB Status
Update Approved PBB Status
Update Strata Division Status
PU Registration
Service to get the list of roles available in MyGPKI
Malaysia District Code search based on 2 digit state code.
The 4 -digit code represents the district. The first 2 digits represent the state code and the last 2 digits represent the district code below it.
Senarai semua Kod Skim Perkhidmatan Kerajaan dari DDSA
All Malaysian DUN Code base on DDSA
List of Malaysian Parliament Code base on DDSA
Searching of Malaysian Poscode by postcode
Semua poskod lokaliti di Malaysia. Data Pos Malaysia
The service receives active machinery information from DOSH V1.0
The service receives a draft license application from the DOSH
The service receives active work information from the DOSH
The service obtains the status of the license application from the DOSH
Servis mendapatkan maklumat perakuan/sijil aktif dari CIDB
The service receives a draft application/certificate from CIDB
The service obtains the status of certificate/certificate application from CIDB
The service receives active projects from CIDB
The service receives active license information from MBPJ
The service receives activities for license applications from MBPJ
The service obtains license application status from MBPJ
The service obtained a draft license application from MBPJ
LJM professional practice data review service
Service reviews business registration data from LJM
The service receives professional information from LJM
The service receives business owner information from LJM
The service receives business information from LJM
The service obtains the status of application for registration from LJM
The service received a draft application for registration from LJM
The service receives activities for license application from MPKj
The service obtains the license application status from MPKj
The service receives active license information from MPKj
The service obtains business registration mapping data in MalaysiaBiz
The service obtains business owner information from MBSJ
The service receives a draft license application from MBSJ
The service obtains activities for the license application from MBSJ
The service receives active license information from MBSJ
The service receives business information from MBSJ
The service obtains the license application status from MBSJ
The service receives business registration data from LJBM
The service obtains professional practice data from LJBM
The service receives business registration data from LJTM
The service obtains the status of cooperative registration from the SKM
Service reviews business registration data from SKM
The service received a draft cooperative registration application from SKM
The service receives active cooperative information from SKM
The service obtains business registration mapping data at SKM
Get the UPKK exam results in JAKIM
The service receives a list of business information from BLESS1.0
License status of BLESS1.0
List of business license owner information from BLESS1.0
List of business branch information from BLESS1.0
The draft list of pending license applications is incomplete or complete from the Bless1.0 system
License information is still active from BLESS1.0
STPM exam results
MUET exam results
Professional information from LJTM
Business owner information from LJTM
Status of application for registration from LJTM
Professional practice data from LJTM
Business information from LJTM
Draft business registration application from LJTM
Active business location information from LJTM
Send 12-digit business number to LJBM
Draft registration application information from LJBM
Business information from LJBM
Registration status information from LJBM
Business owner information from LJBM
Professional information from LJBM
Business branch information from LJBM
List of examinations related to education
Managing list of draft license applications
Business branch information list (MalaysiaBiz use only)
Business information list (MalaysiaBiz use only)
List of business license owner information (MalaysiaBiz use only)
License application status (MalaysiaBiz use only)
License information that is still active (MalaysiaBiz use only)
Driving License Class based on DDSA
Drive License Type Code based on DDSA
Ethnicity Code base on DDSA
Nationality Code based on DDSA
Country Code based on DDSA
Marital Status Code based on DDSA
Religious Code based on DDSA
State Code based on DDSA
Search for Educational Institutions for the GOSG project. Data from the MOE.
Search Educational Institutions based on part names. Examples: 'idris', 'putra'
This service can be used for verification of Government employees in the user registration module in the agency system as used in this MyGDX portal
Late Project Information from MyProjek ICU
Kod Agensi Kerajaan yang digunakan dalam MyGDX berdasarkan kod agensi lama DDSA. Beberapa agensi telah dikemas kini selaras dengan perubahan
Service obtains status (DOF License)
Company data retrieval service (DOF License)
The service receives business branch information from DBKL
The service receives business information from DBKL
The service obtains license application status from DBKL
The service obtains business owner information from DBKL
The service receives active license information from DBKL
The service receives activities for license applications from DBKL
The service receives professional practice data from LAM
The service obtains business registration data from LAM
Final examination result review service at MOE
Student relationship check-in service with guardian at MOE
The service receives activities for license applications from JKT, KPKT
The service receives active license information from JKT, KPKT
The service obtains the license application status from JKT, KPKT
Active license information from MBK
License status information from MBK
Draft license application information from MBK
Review/confirm SPP2 project ceiling costs
SPP2 Project Profile Information
Business owner information from LAM
Business information from LAM
Registration status information from LAM
Professional information from LAM
Send 12-digit business number to LAM
Draft license application from MBPP
Status of license application from MBPP
License information is active from MBPP
List of activities for license application from MBPP
Local Authority (PBT) Information from the National Local Government Repository (RKTN). Info and API are managed by JKT
PBT Code and Name from the National Local Government Repository (RKTN). Codes and APIs are managed by JKT
Type / Category of Education based on Level and Implementing Agent (GOSG). Archive API. No longer in use.
Level-Based Education Implementing Agent (GOSG). Archive API. No longer in use.
Education Level for GOSG project. Archive API. No longer in use.